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In the wake of our take down of the Ninth Circle Catholic cult, don't miss this upcoming program and exclusive interview!
Radio Free Kanata
Broadcast Date

Leading the Fight against Tyranny, Satanism and Mass Murder: Radio Free Kanata

With your regular host Kevin Annett

Sponsored by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)

and in alliance with The Veterans Today Media Network and Freedom Talk Radio Scotland


Every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern and 11 pm GMT on

In the wake of our take down of the Ninth Circle Catholic cult, don't miss this upcoming program and exclusive interview!


May 28: Two ITCCS organizers in Toronto describe their campaign to use common law warrants to stand down police and government thugs who are terrorizing and evicting poor tenants. The Republic of Kanata is growing from its grassroots!


* Note: All of these programs will include breaking news updates from the ITCCS Central Office regarding the ongoing campaign to expose and stop the Vatican Ninth Circle Satanic cult, as well as practical advice on how to organize in your community under the authority of the Common Law.

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