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The Emissaries of the Light: The Defenders and Alchemic Nurturers of Planetary Balance and Flow with Special Guest Patricia Cori
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The Emissaries of the Light: The Defenders and Alchemic Nurturers of Planetary Balance and Flow with Special Guest Patricia Cori DATE & TIME OF BROADCAST: Monday, February 16, 2015 8PM Pacific/ 11PM Eastern Standard Time Patricia Cori, a native of the San Francisco Bay Area, is a world-renowned author, teacher/lecturer, former radio talk show host & spiritual guide to the sacred sites of the Earth. She has been recognized and celebrated as a gifted shaman by indigenous spirit teachers of the Tibetan, Mayan and Peruvian. She is an activist for the rights of human beings and animals - a peaceful warrior for Planet Earth. She is an activist for the rights of human beings and animals - a peaceful warrior for Planet Earth. Additionally, she is a celebrated international speaker—actively offering courses, seminars and workshops internationally on a vast range of topics, which reflect her commitment to protecting the ecosystems of the planet and educating humanity to the issues we face as guardians of 21st century Earth in transition. Her books The Sirian Revelations (published by North Atlantic Books) have enjoyed worldwide acclaim as wake-up call material for the expanding consciousness of humankind. She was a former host, on BBS RADIO, for the cutting edge web radio talk show, BEYOND THE MATRIX.  In 1996, she established the LightWorks travel club, SoulQuest™ Journeys, and that year led a group of travelers to Nepal and Tibet, to whom she introduced the sacred temples and breathtaking spirit of the Tibetan landscape. She has since guided people through sacred sites in Asia, Mexico, Egypt, Europe, Peru and the crop circles in England. She has co-founded the global non-profit organization, SAVE EARTH’S OCEANS, INC, which is dedicated to help clean up the beaches and oceans of our planet worldwide, to awaken people to the importance of protecting the sea mammals, and to help restore the balance of our fragile ecosystems of the Oceans. As President and CEO of the organization, she is determined to raise the consciousness of human beings around the globe to the potential of the human spirit to alter the course of our destruction of the environment and to re-establish the harmony of Earth in balance. “Patricia Cori is a wonderful combination of intelligence and passion, and she aims it at the understanding and protection of whales and dolphins in a powerful way." -Hardy Jones, wildlife and conservation filmmaker and founder of “No sooner had Patricia entered the water, filled with over fifty dolphins, when one of them brushed up against her body and leaped over her in the air. The team saw this amazing moment occur from our boat. In all my years of observing Cetaceans, I have never experienced this kind of interaction between wild dolphins and humans! Some might even call it a “miracle.” -Enrico Villa, co-founder of whale watching organization CWAzores. *********** Patricia Cori has also been called a "real life Indiana Jones" by fans and readers around the world - an inspiring icon of truth and a living model of the adventurous spirit and seeker within us all. Internationally acclaimed author Patricia Cori is one of the most well-known and established authorities on the realms of the mystic - views of the world and multidimensional reality that challenge the status quo. She has been a key voice in the alternative media for decades, and a contactee who has brought paradigm-busting information to the public since 1996, contributing a wealth of material to the new thought community. And she has the "chops" to prove it ...with eleven best-selling publications, published in over 20 foreign languages. She has herself been interviewed on hundreds of talk radio and TV programs, including CNN, Coast to Coast a.m. syndicated radio, the Urban Journal Radio, KJAC Radio Montreal, 21st Century Radio, Fringe Radio, The Edge, X-Zone Chronicles, Playboy radio and a host of others. She has also appeared in documentary films. She has now turned her talent to screenwriting, having completed a full feature script of her upcoming spiritual thriller, The Emissary, scheduled for release as her first fiction novel, through North Atlantic Books/Random House Distribution in March 2014. Film and television rights have been acquired by Global Universal Entertainment, and the project is already in development to become a major motion picture. A prolific writer, she is already half way through the sequel, The Keeper of the Crystal Skull, first as a screenplay which she will no doubt follow with the novel version.