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The Ancient Art Form of Forgiveness
On Quantum Mindfulness Radio, the powerful topic of discussion for this special broadcast will be focused upon FORGIVENESS, where we will be touching base along the lines of how FORGIVENESS parallels many Quantum Theoretical Concepts, such as Zero Point, Quantum Entanglement, and (ONCE MORE) the Power and Inspiration of LOVE and INTENTION. Miraculous Quantum Discoveries by Gregg Braden and other Heart Warming Stories concerning the Power of Ho' oponopono... the Sacred Heart Form of Forgiveness (as encouraged by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len) will also be covered by the Miraculous Work of Dr. Joe Vitale. The inspirational Eastern Philosophy and encouraging WRITINGS by Jack Kornfield will also be discussed within this Powerful Segment of Quantum Mindfulness Radio. Later, within the show, My Dear Friend and Internationally Renown Singer and Award Winning Songwriter, Paul Luftenegger, will be featured after the show's meditation as one of his most celebrated of songs, FROM HIS NEW ALBUM: Diamond Light, will be featured in conclusion to this Powerful and Thought-Provoking Broadcast.
The Book of Positive Light: Remembrance of the Heart by Joel A. Ayapana