New Years predictions with the Archangels! Join us Saturday evening for a riveting evening of predictions given by Marcia McMahon, gifted angelic intuitive and channel, artist and host of the peaceful planet, and Archangel Michael! Marcia has written Ascension Teachings with Archangel Michael. Published this year in paperback, Archangel Michael's predictions have proved true over the years. If you think these last years have been weird just wait- there is more to come!
Marcia's been hosting the Peaceful Planet Show since 2005 and decided to write a book about her Ascension series on the show, and the predictions given by Archangel Michael over the years. Marcia went back and checked every detail and found references to everything he predicted. This is corroborated by actual world events that AA Michael foretold. This is a must-have book for the spiritual Seeker who wants to know more about the 5th dimensional Earth that we are ascending to.
As well, hear Princess Diana, as channeled through Marcia and her special New Year's message. Don't miss tonight's show. Marcia will open the phone lines to take your personal mini reading calls as well. Do Tune in and take advantage of the open readings and all Marcia has to offer in her book, and her angelic predictions!