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Paradigm Shifters: Re-presents Brian Patton The Sexy Vegan
Broadcast Date

Our Paradigm Shifter making waves in the world this week is Brian Patton.   The Sexy Vegan. 


Out of work.  Living at his folks.  He had finished college but out of money.  His folks were despairing.  But lo and behold!  late night TV actually baled our hero out!  To his own wit and will to hear, he heard a friend say that that he could create something and put a video up on YouTube to show it for FREE!


Hmmm. Life embellishes minutes, so our hero, overweight and not fit, lots of late nights and he was perked.  He actually suddenly got it!  He retuned himself - “Maybe I could do a cooking show!”  You can almost hear the eyes rolling.  “I'm going to be a cook and design some great recipes!”   Thousands might question his dream but not our hero.   He got himself a job in a restaurant – offering his services for free.  He learned how to run it well   His boss left him in charge and in a few days (and nights!)   he explored, experimented, felt and even looked vital within weeks. He named himself the The Sexy Vegan!   It worked.  He learned about food and its rapport with his mind.  His YouTubes attracted rapid attention - and then his own book, and he had an income to live on. People sought him out within  a few short months.  This “meant to be” moment that just continues to unfold for Brian. Paradigm Shifters should make waves.  Right? 


Meet Brian speaking with Veronica Tuesday October 24th at 5 PM.  You can listen even if you are still eating meat! 

Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 5pm (pst) ~ October 24th

Special tune in on


~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to worry - you can listen directly to the episode directly from my website the day after the broadcast

Past/future episodes are available for FREE on iTunes


or you can listen directly from my website    


Message from Veronica-
This show reminds me of so many of us moving more swiftly as the planets ferment change, and the bubbling dynamics that are perking societies round the world and even in our homes.
we need chaos to change.   Maybe we won't all become designers of amazing food that helps our health and the planet.   But when we let ourselves BECOME who knows what we can bring forward into the world.  
It takes our enthusiasm and courage to embrace changes, and become someone you want to be or design a product the world is ready for.   
What is happening in your world?   Call and let us know.  
Stay tuned.  Smile at the awkwardness of boiling changes.  Watch for our evolution!
Much love
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