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This week on Paradigm Shifters: Rennie Davis
Paradigm Shifters with host Veronica Entwistle
Broadcast Date

This week on Paradigm Shifters:


Paradigm Shifters Presents Rennie Davis who was an activist in the Anti Viet Nam war movement, with its passionate demand for peace, an ultimate Paradigm Shifting time for so many. Rennie was part of the "Group of Eight" - Bobbly Seale was number 8 but somehow not as recognized for his power, or The Black Panther movement, in which he was strong. 

This "group of eight" was famous for disrupting the 1968 Democratic Convention. What a time!


Just as these are amazing and disruptive times. That Revolutionary Evolutionary fervour is moving through large groups of our society here and round the world. Where will it all go? We want peace now as well.


Rennie Davis and his beloved Kirsten Leigmann, are now forging Evolution through Consciousness and Business, a new level of their Revolutionary demand for new solutions in our society.


Enjoy this interview from 2018 and please watch the movie, The Trial of the Chicago Seven for a greater understanding.



Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~ October 20th.

Special Guest ~ Rennie Davis

tune in on


~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to to worry - you can listen directly to the episode directly from the Podcast section on my website the day or so after the broadcast

Past/future episodes are available for FREE on iTunes 


Visit and sign up for Veronica's Youtube channel


A Message from Veronica --


Hello Everyone,


MOVIE REVIEW TIME Netflix is now featuring The Trial of the Chicago Seven. For any of you who remember the Viet Nam STOP THE WAR issue, or if you care deeply about awakening our sleepy heads, while we watch the “experiment in democracy” teeter dangerously on a fulcrum of greed and survival or natures’ vengeance, amongst swills of ads, enticing, deriding and subterfuge. Breathe. We can feel with bare naked hearts, a love and respect of life. All life

including that for Ma Earth.


And so, I recommend The Trial of the Chicago Seven. It’s pithy clip of the 60’s rebellion against war, disinformation, insidious controls like rip tides pulling truth under. For me it was a wonderful movie re-experiencing that time. It was a time of standing up in favour of love and peace, even ironically fighting for peace and often in ourselves. We weep for our lost dreams.

We believed then! Til we had to step and stride into a more realistic approach. But what we wanted to stop is still happening. This time more obvious and global. Different characters.

Media and money, are used as a bribes or cudgels. Yet with your heart and mine they are the very things that could bring peace, understanding and respect to everyone.

Let me know what you think about it all.


Love to you all



510 595-5564