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Lani Leary
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This week on Paradigm Shifters



Our Paradigm Shifter, Lani Leary, shares her experiences and deep understanding with the dying, helping with the process of death, to ease grief, and heal the one who is passing. Then let's add communications from the other side? Lani is a Near Death experiencer. The Near-Death experiences expand the impact of death on their human consciousness? Her book No One Has to Die Alone chronologues Lani's vast explorations. Looking at everything we do in this life as a preparation for dying is a part of our awakening and deepening into life. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying calls this life the first Bardo... a term I used to think was saved for phases we experience upon passing. 

I know you will have a deep expansion from Lani's Wisdom

Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 5pm (pdt) ~ October 17th

Special Guest ~ Lani Leary

tune in on


~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to worry - you can listen directly to the episode directly from my website the day after the broadcast

Past/future episodes are available for FREE on iTunes


also listen on or you can listen directly from my website



A Message from Veronica --


Hello Everyone,   
HI Everyone,  
This is such a dynamic time on the planet.  You, probably like me and the rest of us are facing turbulence, middle east war, some evolution and so much more rapport with our soul's journey.  I know and you know that you want to meet the currents of evolution along with the trauma and challenges - as we share endings with consciousness and certainly with love, enriches our lives.   
With love and forgiveness amongst us all.  Let me know how you enjoyed Lani and this talk about death, and how it can be a beloved opportunity which you will never forget and the love you experiences is a part of you.
Big blessings
PS Call for your session soon and revel in the richness of your life's experience. 

510 595-5564