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Paradigm Shifters presents Futurist John Petersen
Paradigm Shifters with host Veronica Entwistle
Broadcast Date

This week on Paradigm Shifters:


Hello Fellow Paradigm Shifters - Let's talk about shifting paradigms. How do you think? How do you define yourself, by income, beauty, health, education.... purpose in our society? List those attributes and "belongings" for a moment. Is what you described true to the real you? Interesting question isn't it?


My guest this week is John Petersen, founder of the Arlington Institute. John is a "futurist" and, with others, over the past 30+ years, has been influencing directions in our country. He's been involved in the Military, then, wanting to find different ways of empowering people, he moved into think tanks in the State Department, and onward into the White House, to advise some forward motion into the world.


We are honoured to speak with John about what to expect in the coming decades. Life has changed. Our systems are being totally disheveled, or indeed torn apart. We have heard that that would be happening but let's ask John how we ride out the chaos that

is already perking throughout our society. John will suggest what to expect, and be consciously designing our steps forward.


Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~ October 13th.

Special Guest ~ John Petersen

tune in on


~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to to worry - you can listen directly to the episode directly from the Podcast section on my website the day or so after the broadcast

Past/future episodes are available for FREE on iTunes



A Message from Veronica --


Hello Everyone,


Here we are again. The energies are moving fast and are confusing but many new opportunities are rising through our Covid-ed world Here are a few inspirational pointers!

Be aware of your energy, realizing that as we lift our frequencies, the outcome of the drama and trauma changes. It is easy enough to test it out. Breath deeply through your nose. Run the breath to the base of your spine - now draw it back up. Back up along your spine into your brain. Now again from the deep breath that fills your brain. With your outbreath, breath it back down your spine. Then back up your spine to fill your brain again. 3 times is good. More is even better. Then visuaiize your world with feeling.


Ask your own Guidance to inspire the way. As you do, notice the heaviness or fear, the question of what on earth to do, loosens up. You will find direction and incentive, and the love it takes to grow your trust.


Keep at this and find yourself surfing through the white waters of today.


Maybe its time for a chat with the Guides. Call for your session or book it on It'll be wonderful to catch up again.


With much love
