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Paradigm Shifters presents LAARKMAA via Pia + Cullen
Broadcast Date

Veronica Entwislte : Intuitive Energy Counselor

Veronica Entwistle : Intuitive Energy Counselor

This week on Paradigm Shifters:

Paradigm Shifting RE-presents LAARKMAA, channeled through Pia Smith Orleane, and Cullen Baird Smith.

With disinformation pulling our minds this way and that these days, it is teaching us to trust only love and truth. We often need to reach for it into the higher vibrations of the BEYOND. So I chose the Pleiadian views of LAARKMAA from a past interview. They teach us a new chosen reality.

Laarkmaa writes about “Belief…. and how it is made up of conglomerations of ideas incorrectly built upon assumptions and experiences…... to support individual positions about what one thinks is real.

in Conversations with Laarkmaa. As many of us study thought, this practice challenges us, to " to know only truth and trust”. Many of our familiar philosophies note that. Yet we often have trouble accessing our own trust.

It is soothing and courageous to find the inner space that centers us and our planet, and from which we can connect with higher consciousness and the subtle energy forces that can inspire answers into the tumult of our questions.

Ales Bialiatski, one of the initiators or the democracy movement that emerged in Belarus in the mid 80’s, won the Nobel Peace Prize   In spite of consistent attacks and abuse, jail terms and more, he, with other Human Rights advocates, continue to fight for, or nurture democracy in Belarus.  They don’t budge from their goals.   The heavy foot of the autocracy repeatedly stamps on him, but Ales and others represent a feisty human rights movement.

Maybe just maybe Nobel’s new reverence for The Human Rights Movement in Belarus can invigorate political consciousness, in areas in the world, oppressed by war and market controls.  Not just for human rights, but for the nurturance of life all over this amazing planet.  

It feels to me that there is a stirring, frequencies of change and evolution moving through our species carrying the thoughts and wisdom of new ways of being.  I mean we are, as energy beings, capable of becoming higher frequency beings, even capable of feeling for them inside ourselves and sending them through us to rebalance our own energies.    When our stirrings, even chaotic feelings, rise, spend a few minutes breathing deeply, moving to develop harmony. You will help yourself change and become a lighter freer being. 

How we look at one another (CF AVATAR with its “I SEE YOU)” has a vibrational influence you might not realize.

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~ October 11th.

Special Guest ~ LAARKMAA


A Message from Veronica --

HI Everyone,

This week (Thursday at 5 PM) our Intuition class features YOU and how we all look at one another.  What do you learn?  When is it intuitive?  Or when is it just seeing?    As I say these playful and simple classes help you implement your own evolution, setting yourself up to be more adept that seeing beyond, receiving subtle messages, or even knowing that messages are around you all the time and the more you see them or use them, the more you find yourself understanding the rising that is going on in all of us.  Call to join the class.

Love to us all as we grow.  Call for your session to help Guide your journey to becoming a contributor to evolution.


Paradigm Shifters - Interviews with people making a difference Since 2008

510 595-5564

Veronica Entwistle is an intuitive energy counselor whose guides take her into a deep and loving exploration of the inner conscious, the universe, and the realms beyond. She is known for her wit, love and compassion, and ability to unhook realities from limiting patterns.

Call 510.595.5564 to schedule your session.