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Paradigm Shifters presents James Twyman and his latest PEACE-CAPADE
Broadcast Date

This week on Paradigm Shifters:

Paradigm Shifters replays some of the wonders of our PEACE Troubadour, James Twyman shares a deep dive into personal peace with you, his audience, his readers, and people who share his music all over the world. His effect is remarkable radiant peace. He often has set himself up in a war zone playing music. He started in 1996 with his book Emissary of Light. Which indeed he was! tuching and softening hearts all over the world. He hasn't stopped. This isn't a new interview, but it is inspirational as a reminder that though war is all round us, and so many can't fiind peace within, it is possible and it is contagious!

Please enjoy the peace, love, and radiant music of James Twyman and let us know how you enjoyed THE PEACE TROUBADOR.

Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle
Tuesday November 7th, 5:00PM PST
Special Guest ~ James Twyman
tune in on

~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to worry - you can listen directly to the episode directly from the Podcast section on my website the day or so after the broadcast

Past/future episodes are available for FREE on BBSRADIO.COM 
Visit and sign up for Veronica's YouTube channel

A Message from Veronica --

Interesting times bubbling possibility and danger up into our worlds. Let's center ourselves and experience a rising peace. Just a few deepening breaths and then call it up! Can you stay centered in it. As you do, guess what? You can actually radiate peace, loving support. It seems to be quite the task to find our own peaceful center and take charge of ourselves and our effect on others around us. Let's choose to SWIRL light around, in us and all round the world. HOW? Easy. Breathe it into your perineum, draw it up through your core, then round and round your entire body. Tickle your feet, with light, then round and round your legs, spiraling and soothing, spiraling and softening your auric fields. At the top of your head, send it out into infinity plus one. Back down again all round you like a loving buffer you take in the world. Test it. You'll find it. How does it feel?

These are times of rapid growth. SO! Stretch! Yawn! Love! Laugh! and enjoy GROWING!

Much love

510 595-5564