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Paradigm Shifters presents Laarkmaa
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This week on Paradigm Shifters:

Paradigm Shifters presents Laarkmaa 

This is a rerun which seems perfect for the essential motion when the world seems to be at a kind of stand still. It's a brilliant and elevating approach to the world within and without you.

Pia Orleans and Cullen Smith together, create one voice channeling - Laarkmaa.

Laarkmaa, beyond the third dimension, is a shape shifting coalescence. They teach us how to live outside of the edicts of time and our calendar, by using the spiraling frequencies abundantly present throughout the universes. Learning to harmonize within and without ourselves to be in the flow of these frequencies, is a route to conscious evolution.

They teach love. They teach an astrological system based on daily frequencies to which you can relate your own style of growth. The calendar is beautiful, inspiring and thirteen months per year. The thirteenth month is the time to integrate all that we have learned, to add to our evolution.

This system is precious and Pia and Cullen are delightful and loving beings.

Their books are PLEIADIAN-EARTH ENERGY ASTROLOGY: Charting the Spirals of Consciousness

CONVERSATIONS WITH LAARKMAA; A Pleiadian View of t he New Reality

Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~ November 23rd.

Special Guest ~ Laarkmaa

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~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to worry - you can listen several days later on:

A Message from Veronica --

Hi Everyone,

So much constraint going on, and amazingly round the whole world. Interesting huh? We are facing an opportunity for a deepening into our true nature. Hard work. It requires separating our consciousness from the drama of world crises and all kinds of political pressures and power issues. Who are you in the middle of all this? That is the question. I find Larrkmaa astute and supportive of where the movement of our urges to BECOME is rising. Will it change humanity with enough vehemence to be the promise we have intuited for so long? Structures are tumbling and who are we choosing to become? Let's connect with one another and play with the frequencies we are jostling to find out own evolutionary drives. We can find them.

STRUCTURES MEDITATIONS: Weekly visualizations in sacred geometrics. For more info hhit the ASK VERONICA Button on my website 

PERSONAL SESSIONS: with me and my Guides: check in on you and your evolution. 

Love to all of you


510 595-5564 Voice Mail

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Radio Schedule

Tues in ~ Noc. 23rd ~ 8pm pst

Paradigm Shifters

special guest:


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Purchase Veronica's New Book:

My Near Life Experience: Or How Do I Know When I am Really Me?

Find it on her website:

Veronica Entwistle is an intuitive energy counselor whose guides take her into a deep and loving exploration of the inner conscious, the universe, and the realms beyond. She is known for her wit, love and compassion, and ability to unhook realities from limiting patterns.

Call 510.595.5564 to schedule your session.