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This week on Paradigm Shifters: Linda Schurman, wonder woman astrologer.
Paradigm Shifters with host Veronica Entwistle
Broadcast Date

This week on Paradigm Shifters:


Paradigm Shifting is a BIG JOB! Why do we need it at all? The world is becoming smaller and smaller. Resources are taxed (grand play on words here!) every where possible.


OUR GUEST this week is Linda Schurman, wonder woman astrologer. Read her latest monthly newsletter, SOOTHESAYER.COM. We'll ask for more detail about humanity, rising political challenges and feisty Weather attacks, as Linda explains what is going on in the universe. We find out which planets are ruffling our lifestyle and political feathers, or challenging the long term success we expect of riches and stability, and the arts of sharing, fairness, and the evolutiion of creating a life for all the 7.5 billions.


Where does Covid 19 fit in? Is it the whip that cracks loudly enough to inspire heartfelt global unity? Or to reorganize societies for dystopia or maybe utopia?


Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~ November 24th.

Special Guest ~ Linda Schurman

tune in on


~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to to worry - you can listen several days later on:



A Message from Veronica --




Life is moving us all pretty quickly. It's time to Thank the Universe as we are forced to stretch into more of our real selves. And so is everyone else. Amazing huh?


Disinformation has been a huge tool to keep people confused and divided for centuries The hard part is figuring out who to believe and what to believe. A great question to ask yourself as you hear something, something condemnatory, or divisive, or threatening of any kind, ask "who would benefit from this information? Add would I?" The answer you receive is often quite soft and gentle, but actually soothes your anxiety.

Or ask simply, "is this true?" Sometimes your tummy lurches, or your heart pounds, or maybe you feel peaceful and at ease. sometimes it is a bit more complex. Just keep breathing deeply. Pray that your Guidance helps. Ask for a sign. It can be delightful, fun and informative. Test it.


Are you working your way through beliefs, learning about who you are really, wanting to heal or sort out differences with others, that could be rising in the turmoil of these days.


By popular request: Personal readings - $40 for 15 minutes. Time for a check into you, a friend, your growth, one or two questions. These are fun and lively.

Click on the "Private Session" button on my site:


I'd love your feedback on Linda's interview, to be podcasted in a week. Or archived on :​


Love to you all, that you may be in a state of becoming, all ways.


Veronica Entwistle


510 595-5564