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This week on Paradigm Shifters: John Burgos
Broadcast Date

This week on Paradigm Shifters:


Paradigm Shifters brings you John Burgos, with his delightfully unfolding wisdom of how unlimitable humans can be. What does it take to BE in the

infinity you are, and become one who releases and frees others into their unfolding. John brought forward many many teachers and levels of consciousness in his Beyond The Ordinary Summits, curating many teachers with their streams of wisdom the world needs to fuel our evolution.

How can that affect our lives, our rapport with mother earth, or politics, or the future of our planet?


John fascinates us as he embodies waves of consciousness through to add, with love, to the awakening, of ourselves and others.


* What is the COVID message?

* UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS What is it exactly? Is it fermenting a harmony? Are there leaders? Is each of us a leader, in integrity with our own inner light?


John brings up an awareness that we are learning and evolving and it's catching! John infuses listeners with possibility.



Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Spacial Airing Wednesday, 12pm (pst) ~ November 18th.

Special Guest ~ John Burgos

tune in on


~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to to worry - you can listen directly to the episode directly from the Podcast section on my website the day or so after the broadcast

Past/future episodes are available for FREE on iTunes 



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