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Steve Bhaerman
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Steve Bhaerman

Paradigm Shifting can be done more easily with humour!

This rerun, though not quite hilarious, is a wry focus by Steve Bhaerman, aka Swami Beyondananda. His comments on the deceptions of our media and own minds are revelatory, showing how participation in the "experiment in DEMOCRACY" we call home, is turbulent with beliefs spun for popularity, but not for truth.  COVID challenged us all to scratch our heads, wondering what was true. The science of it all came up with a vaccine. Who paid for the research? Did it dance to the tune of investors? Some people did well. Some became sick. Answers like most human vulnerabilities, were personal. Maybe that is true on all aspects of "the experiment in Democracy". It's marketing but also a collective tout of all individuals teeming and teaming in this DEMOCRATIC offering to 2023.

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