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Paradigm Shifters presents Matthew Griffin
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This week on Paradigm Shifters:


Mathew Griffin    What a man!   In the military in Afghanistan, he and his buddy, watched locals and came up with a brilliant Idea.  To start a business called Combat Flip Flops, sandals that they could make there and develop their own business.   Now this little business set up to support the locals has many phases, many new products, shirts, jackets and so on.
Check out his inspiring book about life in the military in a poignant time!
Make a difference wherever you go or can! 
STEPS ASCENDING.  RISE OF THE UNARMEDS FORCE   Griff and his friends truly did that.
Tune in Tuesday January 9th at 5 PM PT on and let me know what you think!

Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 5pm (pst) ~ January 9th.

Special Guest Matthew Griffin 

tune in on

~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to worry - you can listen several days later on:



A Message from Veronica --


Hi Everyone,

 The world is in turmoil in many war ways.   Greed, poverty, people running for their lives with nowhere to go.   Though we are an incredibly wise species in many ways, I recently was jarred by the words of a wise being, "we are so evolved and developed or developing - except for being unable to share!   Is it true in your world?
We are a vibrational species.   As we pray to receive higher frequencies clearly from the evolving Universe, you and I know our own frequencies will rise.   With our intention and our sensitivity to it, we could actually make a huge difference.   Make it intentional to radiate transformative frequencies to one another.  Receiving them and pass them on.  Our species has a built in potential to evolve into an ability to move each other into a loving sharing species.  
Let's dream our potential.  Let's intend it.  Let's ask to FEEL it moving through us all - swooping the New Year into its heart.   I know that turbulence is intense round the world, but the ferment of that turbulence can be the elixer of evolution.   
Bless us all with love expanding and growing among all humanity and beyond.

510 595-5564


Veronica Entwistle is an intuitive energy counselor whose guides take her into a deep and loving exploration of the inner conscious, the universe, and the realms beyond. She is known for her wit, love and compassion, and ability to unhook realities from limiting patterns.

Call 510.595.5564 to schedule your session.