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Paradigm Shifters present Steve Bhaerman and Human Evolution
Broadcast Date

Veronica Entwislte : Intuitive Energy Counselor

Paradigm Shifters present Steve Bhaerman and Human Evolution

AWAKEN your own INTUITION and become a part of the EVOLUTION with my new INTRODUCTION to INTUITION class!

In this 6-part course will find healing, understanding... and FUN! we grow together. Online class begins September 8, 2022. Contact Veronica for details.

This week on Paradigm Shifters:

Paradigm Shifting is in DE-LIGHT presenting Steve Bhaerman, AlterEgo of Swami Beyondanda, with his comprehension of the swirling realities of life on our planet and his political wisdom. Circumstances might seem dire, yet Steve hosts perspectives about political ferment, changing societies, global warming, and what “progressive” can mean in these times of extreme divisiveness. But Steve always shares new options for us in the emerging and nurturing heart of communities round the country with options and possibility for us all.

Tune in Tuesday, 8 PM PDT,

Tune in free to all the original live talk shows, or any of our podcasts archived since 2005, with no membership, log-in or signup required.


Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle

Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~ January 3rd.

Special Guest ~  Steve Bhaerman

tune in on


~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to worry - you can listen several days later on:


A Message from Veronica --

HI Everyone,

We need to sort through these moments of change.  They drop us into levels of truth, and levels of honesty within ourselves.   Learning about whole world actions, feeding everyone, life for everyone and the atmosphere and the planet.

How?   Learning.  Hearing truth in our decisions, including buying marketed news - OR NOT!   hearing with our hearts.   It's an "evolutionary" time, a transition time for us all to awaken and learn to live into a life for ALL. Lots of leadership out there to guide us.  

Conscious Community Networking Creating to unite us all.   

In Reno, experiments began.  Food networks.   Organic Food Growers.  You'll love to hear the various projects they worked on, to recreate the local

economy in the early 2000's with great success.   Further explorations took their research to other countries, like Sri Lanka.  Resiliency and Survival.   And so much more.  You will want to feel the strength and inspiration of this visit with Steve Bhaerman.  

Enjoy it.  And Enjoy one another as we learn to find the common pulse of life and love we all share.

If it is time for your session, please call   510 595-5564, and let's grow our lights.

Much love

Veronica Entwistle 

510 595-5564


Veronica Entwistle is an intuitive energy counselor whose guides take her into a deep and loving exploration of the inner conscious, the universe, and the realms beyond. She is known for her wit, love and compassion, and ability to unhook realities from limiting patterns.

Call 510.595.5564 to schedule your session.