This week on Paradigm Shifters:
Tonights Paradigm Shifter is Joe Vitale, famous from The Secret and his own manifesting journey
through poverty to creating wealth as he needs it.
His ho'opononoponoh prayers will give you and I
the light to perk ourselves through these days.
TUNE IN TONIGHT: 8 PM ~ to boost and land some of your own desires.
Podcasted widely on Spotify, ITunes, Stitcher, and your own site.
Let me know what you think or feel as this wizard of self creation affects your world and mine.
Paradigm Shifters ~ with Veronica Entwistle
Tuesday, 8pm (pst) ~ January 26th.
Special Guest ~ Joe Vitale
tune in on
~ if you are unable to listen on Tuesday, not to to worry - you can listen several days later on:
A Message from Veronica --
Hi There,
How are you doing as life broils under the lockdown coverlets? Here we all are in the heat of the crucible, becoming and becoming and becoming. Evolution isn't easy but it burst is global and that can be increasingly brilliant.
Let's look at the work you want to bring into the world. Your session is awaiting with its multi dimensional escalators..
510 595-5564