Please join Julia as she and Candace discuss and read excerpts from one of Dolores' most popular books, The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth.
Over the course of her 40 year career, Dolores began recognizing patterns in particular clients she regressed. Through her sessions with them, it became apparent to her that certain individuals actually volunteered to come to Earth at this specific time with the sole intention of assisting humanity through our current period of transition. In 1945, the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caught the attention of the entire galactic community and it became evident that humanity was on a course for disaster. As direct physical intervention to assist us overcome our current global challenges would not result in humanity taking full responsibility for its own actions, another ingenious approach was decided upon by our benevolent carers. They couldn't interfere from the "outside," so they decided to try and influence from the "inside." The call went out for volunteers to incarnate on Earth and help with their energy, knowledge and abilities. "Earth is in trouble - who wants to volunteer?" These volunteers have been identified and categorised by Dolores in 3 waves. First wave volunteers had the most challenging experience of the three as they were the way showers for those who would follow. Many first wavers feel uncomfortable in bodies, prefer a life of solitude and find it essential to be in the presence of nature. Second wave volunteers act as antennas of energy, their job is to simple exist on Earth rather than to have a specific goal or mission. Third wave volunteers, many of the children with incredible talents, abilities and memories, are literally the gift to the world. They posses the knowledge and wisdom that will help humanity complete the transition and overcome the many obstacles that lie ahead. Many volunteers have come direct from the "Source" and have never lived in any type of physical body before. Other volunteers have lived as space beings in extraterrestrial civilisations on other planets or have come from other dimensions. As a result of the amnesia we all experience before entering the Earth dimension, they remember neither their assignment nor their origin. Thus, these beautiful souls have an extremely difficult time adjusting to our chaotic world. These souls have a vital role to play as they help all of the rest of us create a New Earth.