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Errol & Rochelle discuss the news--good, bad and fake.
Errol Rochelle discuss the news-good, bad and fake.
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We're back live after a week's absence.  So, you may ask, "Is that good news or bad news."  Well, it depends, which is why our phrase of the week is "Is That Good News or Bad News?"

​Speaking of news, our choices used to be simple, good news or bad news?  But now we've added a new category......... "fake news." Is that good news or bad news? Life has certainly become more complicated--as if we needed that.

I imagine all this news standing in line at your local news supermarket waiting to be ascribed a category. It can be very confusing. News is having an identity crisis. You can almost hear the news talking among-st itself, "Hey, are you good news or bad news?" the news about government, Russians, Trump, Congress is asked. "Or are you fake news?"  "I'm not sure, " responds all that political news. "But what about you?" the news about climate change, the economy, and immigration is asked. "Aren't you just a bunch of fake news?"
Then there's the news about Hurricane Harvey.  When it first arrived in Texas, it was bad news, but then as human care and compassion appeared, it started showing signs of being good news.  And what's more, the fake news, which had been so rampant for the last year had to take a back seat--which sent it into a paroxysm of self-doubt -like it wasn't humiliating enough to be called "fake" news, it wasn't news at all. So then does the phrase, "No news is Good News" apply?
And here's another dilemma, by the time one has determined whether something is good, bad or fake news, and it could  take quite awhile,  is it "news" at all or is it.....well......"olds."
And what about the traditional Christian term for "Good news"--"the Gospel." Many are questioning that news and wondering if it is actually fake news. Was there really a Jesus who did and said all those things that he was purported to have said and done?  
At the time, when he was killed, it certainly seemed like bad news for his followers, but then it became the good news. But later on, because of all the warring and atrocities on behalf of the "good" news, it started looking like  bad news. Now, for many the "gospel" just seems like fake news. . Or perhaps there's a new news category, "Irrelevant news." Hmmph....'tis a puzzlement.  
Please join us tonight as we attempt to sift through the various kinds of news to find some actual good news, or at least develop the faculties and establish the criteria to discern one kind of news from another.
As usual our conversation will include music, humor, characters and insights--hopefully in the form of good news.
Until then, we are Errol and Rochelle Strider
I hope you'll agree with us that that, at least, is "Good News"