The Striders look at the tragedy in Las Vegas and other issues related to spiritual awareness.
Broadcast Date
Dear friends,
I feel a little bit like I did after 9/11 as a result of the tragedy in Las Vegas u yesterday. Like you, I suppose, I am deeply disturbed by this event. Be that as it may, we are going to do our program tonight and in some ways these kind of circumstances are right up our alley, which is why "That's Right up Our Alley" is our featured phrase of the week.
As you know, if you read these announcements, and if you listen to our program, you're aware that Rochelle and I use our weekly show as an opportunity to probe into the human condition and see how it can be enhanced by appreciating the larger context in which we live our lives; namely, spirituality as it operates through evolution, which of course is "right up our alley."
Tomorrow morning while we want to respect all those whose lives have been affected by the event in Las Vegas, our conversation will include humor that hopefully will lighten our hearts as well as insights, music, and our recurring zany characters.
I hope you can be with us as we hunker down as part of the human family and find solace in our connectedness, inspiration in our relationship to Source and empowerment through our creativity.
Until tomorrow then, we are as ever, Rochelle and Errol Strider, ever traversing the alleyways of life together so that we are better able to identify what really is "right up our alley."