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"Insight Out--the Naked Truth" will broadcast at 8 AM this morning, Sunday, Oct.30, 2016

If you're inclined to say, "You Don't Say," you're right on the mark, because "You Don't Say" is the focus for today's radio show-- "Insight Out, the Naked Truth"

During our conversation we'll take a look at the Buddha's "Right use of Speech" as well as highlighting the one communication glitch that causes so much human discord, misunderstanding, frustration and all around inability to express our needs and get them met--the thing we "don't say."

"You Don't Say" (your line)

(Forgive me for putting words in your mouth--you can always spit them out by saying, "You Don't Say" after you gargle.)

Now, to really spice things up, we will include humorous absurdities, our "Delightened" characters, great songs and as always, insights that we let ................out.

Your reply?  "You don't say."

So join us this morning  8 AM PDT or download it from our archives --also at listen at your leisure. 

Talk to you very soon!

Rochelle, "You don't say."

Errol, "Yeah, I do say."

With love,

Errol & Rochelle