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Gain insights that can make your life more "juicy."
What are the juiciest moments of your life?
Broadcast Date

Have you ever had an insight or a new way to look at something that was just so poignant and profound, that it was ....well....juicy? 

Rochelle and I are practically swimming in insights that we just slurp up. We have to keep towels nearby to soak up the juice that  spills out or share it with folks like you. That's why the featured phrase for this week' program is "That's Juicy"
Something achieves juicy status when it just knocks your socks off--at the risk of mixing metaphors--when it is intriguing, dynamic, satisfying,  substantive or even scandalous or have you heard a juicy bit of gossip lately? That's easy. Tune in to CNN.
As I age and my body is losing water (down from 90% to 60%) I need all the juice I can get, and I get it by tuning in to the lugubrious flow of vibrant perspectives forever cascading down the stream of evolution.
Here's a juicy one for you: 
"It’s never too late to show up in the Now."
Try it,! 
Isn't that juicy?
A great laugh is filled with juiciness as well as a loving embrace,  a moment of forgiveness or any kind of orgasmic delight.
Yep, life is meant to be juicy, so gather up some fruits of the spirit, put them in your consciousness, blend them and drink .
If you could use a little more juice in your life, join us tonight at 7 PM (less than 2 hours away) and let's see if we can liquefy  your awareness with humor, music, surprises and, of course, insights.
Talk to you soon.
We are Rochelle A. and Errol Strider
Forever juicy.