Tonight's Program--our weekly conversation about the human condition.......and what to make of it, will be focused on "In Other Words"
In other words, we'll be scrambling through the English lexicon to find just the right words to identify the most absurd and sublime aspects of the human condition.
In other words, thanks to the English language and its fabulous alphabet, we can at last uncover what is most sacred and what we can most readily dispose of from our lives.
In other words....tune in tonight and join us for a penetrating and often humorous look at who we are, what we're made of and what we can make of what we're made of. You just might un-learn something.
We'll also feature some great songs, our "Delightened" characters, and numerous metaphysical surprises.
In other words....we'll talk with you tonight
Errol & Rochelle
PS. In other words....Rochelle & Errol Strider, The Laughing Heart