What can we really bet on...if we're were a betting person.
Hello friend,
Feeling some pain today which makes it too distracting to able to do a live show tonight, but we're running one of our best programs--from earlier this month: "You Can Bet On It"
Rochelle and I are kind of like the mailman--through -through storm and sleet, biting dogs and pounds of junk mail...we keep on delivering. "You can bet on it." So we've picked "You Can Bet On IT" to be our featured phrase of the week.
Even if you're not a betting person, it's comforting to know that you can bet on something you depend on to be there--especially when you're "all in."
But what can we bet on? For me, the most authoritative events in the known universe are the speed of light, the law of gravity, the cycles of birth and death and yet another crime drama on TV....You can you can bet it.
But, as we look into the future of our lives, what can we bet on? Yes, yes, there's always death and taxes, but for my part I'm placing my bets on laughter, love, and human resiliency, to name a few things that I'd even double down on.
But if you're betting on the dark side of humanity to win the pot, I'll call you and raise you.....well.....up.
Oh, and one more thing...according to Rochelle, at some point during every day of our lives together I will ask, "Rochelle, have you seen my.....(fill in the blank)
While it may drive her crazy, in spite of her best intentions, she will get sucked into looking for it--you can bet on it.
If you want to hedge your bets for a likely good time tonight, join Rochelle and I at 7 PM (PT) as we explore what we can and maybe shouldn't bet on. Our conversation will include humor, music, characters, insights, and surprises.
We are Rochelle Alicia and Errol Strider
"You Can Bet On It"