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"Nothing Personal"
Broadcast Date
Tuesday Nights 7 PM, Sunday mornings 8 AM (PT)
I'm sure you've got a lot on your plate. Let's face it. Life is demanding. You're busy.  "Nothing personal," but you really should consider carving out some time to listen to our show tomorrow morning.
​Like I said, "Nothing Personal," but if you don't listen in, you'll be missing out on some good conversation with humor, anecdotes, music and weird and funny characters because the featured phrase this week guessed it, "Nothing Personal."
When confronted by personal attack, for instance, we often are tempted to take it personally, but who is that person who's taking it personally anyway?  Is that person...... you or a pigment of your imagination.
Sunday morning ( tomorrow) we are going to delve into the most important issue of our lives--our person--who it really is and how personally should we take any of it.
If you've ever asked the question, "Who am I, really?" or if you find you're taking life way too personally, you'll get a lot of relief from Sunday morning's program.
Talk with you in the morning.
Errol & Rochelle Strider
In person.