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At what point in any given verbal exchange do we reach the point where we can say, "Enough said?"  Well, we're going to try and find out tonight during our program by exploring this week's featured phrase, "Enough Said."

While we enjoy good conversation, I wonder how much of what we say really adds quality or value to the exchange.That would be hard to measure.  And sometimes, as you may know, the "saying" is more about connecting than about actually exchanging information. And connection is good! Hmmm. Have we said enough about that? Maybe.....
Then there's the incessant conversation and analyses by experts and pundits.  Fortunately, I can express my "enough said" impulse by turning off the TV, closing my computer or my mind.
As I get older I notice that there really isn't much to say about anything unless a question is sincerely asked or information really needs to be conveyed or the enjoyment of good repartee. 
I would like to point out, however, "When a great truth seeker and a great truth giver meet, the result is a great and liberating enlightenment born of the experience of new truth." the Urantia Book. But the funny thing is, who's to know in any given conversation which one is the truth giver and which one is the truth seeker?  And, does it matter? Enough said.
Please join us tonight when we hope to bring ourselves to the point where we can say, "enough said" with a feeling of great satisfaction. And per usual on our shows, what will help us get there are humor, music, zany characters and surprise insights.
But, enough said for now, Let's talk more tonight.
We are Rochelle and Errol Strider