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"That Makes Sense"
Broadcast Date
Tuesdays 7 PM, Re-broadcast Sundays 8 AM (both PDT)

"That Makes Sense"or does it?

You can decide for yourself tonight when you tune it. Our featured phrase of the week--"That Makes Sense"

If you're paying attention, there's a lot that really does not make sense.

Like how we're allowing our democracy to be sold out.

How there can be a loving creator and so much suffering.

How we stumble along making stupid repetitive mistakes in spite of our best intentions.


Really, does any of that make any sense?

What does make sense?

Logic? Geometry? The movement of the Tides?

Babies?  Our capacity to grow, change and be creative?


Tonight, we'll try to get to some real "sense makers" and while we're at it, we'll heat up the program with some sense-ual music, along with laughing at the absurdities of the human condition (surely that makes sense), our usual non-sensical "delightened" characters, and of course, our couple conversation and the ongoing search for insights.......that make sense.

Join us tonight or listen to the edited re-broadcast of the program Sunday morning at 8 AM (PDT)

Either way, if you're looking for a thoughtful and fun examination of the human condition, it make good sense to join us.

Talk to you later,

Errol & Rochelle