There’s a lot of “saying” going on, but when it gets right down to it, “Who’s to say?” This is why we have chosen the phrase, “Who’s to Say?” as our featured phrase of the week
Of course, there’s the media saying all sorts of things. There is our president saying a bunch of stuff. And there are numerous voices in our own heads that are going out of their way to say things about who we are, what’s real, what to do, how to avoid pain and get to pleasure.
But again, “Who’s to say?”
Perhaps another way to pose the question is to ask, “Who is the voice of authority?” Or “What is the voice of authority recommending today?”
Often it is the strident voice of pain which can be very urgent and won’t be stifled.
On the other hand, “Who’s to say” that the most authoritative voice isn’t that still small voice within that continues to speak to and remind us of our higher nature – or, more specifically our authoritative nature?
During tomorrow morning's conversation, we'll look at the question of “Who’s to Say?”and see if we can find out. To begin with, Rochelle and I will be saying numerous things as we are wont to do with the intention of getting to what’s real and finding out what’s being said that is worthy of saying things in response, whether it comes from the news, the pundits, our parents, lovers, our children, or from some benign presence often referred to as, God?
After all, “Who’s to say?”
Sunday's program will be filled with humor, surprises, characters, and of course, insights. Please join us at 8 AM PT and let’s see if we can together find out “Who’s……… to say?”
Talk with you in just 8 hours.
Errol & Rochelle