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"Let's Face It
with Errol and Rochelle Strider
"Let's Face It," there are so many issues, problems and dilemmas demanding our Stime, attention and money which is why "Let's Face It," is the focus of Sunday morning's program.
I'm thinkin' that "Let's Face It," is kind of the opposite of denial.  It certainly is a call to the task of taking a good look at what who we are, what we're doing, why we're doing it and what other options we may have.
Please join us in the morning as Rochelle and I face it and see what we can discover behind the face of it that can enlighten and empower us to make wiser and more courageous decisions.
By facing it, we will undoubtedly uncover the absurdities of our lives. So, you can expect laughter and mirth along with some great music and our usual array of "delightened" characters.
Hope you can make!
Errol & Rochelle
"Let's Face It," we can use all the mirth and  merriment that the Holiday Season is supposed to provide.