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Errol & Rochelle explore what is most essential to our lives.
What is most essential to our lives
Broadcast Date

Tomorrow's phrase of the week is essentially........ "Essentially." (originally  broadcast on April 28, 2017)

​​I mean really, what is most essential? And how would you know?
I believe, for instance, that essentially, we are love--vital life force consciously expanding and deepening our capacity for connection, awareness and forever increasing our range of choice.
But others might argue that, essentially, we are greedy, narcissistic, self-serving, petty little beings doomed to extinction.
To this I would say that essentially, all these little self-aware beings just want to be met---acknowledged, affirmed, understood, seen grow.
Whatever your position, getting to what is most essential makes it possible to more effectively deal with reality and adapt your life accordingly.
So, in this program we explore that elusive aspect of ourselves--who we "Essentially" are.  
Wish us luck...better yet, tune in and discover with us what life is essentially all about. And for perks, we'll include great music, humor and a cast of essential characters.
We are Rochelle & Errol Strider......essentially.