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Peace in Our Time
Broadcast Date

Next on Universal Soul Love with David and Lana love: “Peace in our time”

You are invited to tune-in for a lively exploration on the nature of “peace”.

Tuesday at 6:00 PM PST

We have Pure Angel Kommany of Unified New Earth Sanctuaries and Angel Star Ascension Collective as our special guest.

What is the nature of “peace”? How do we define it? What does it feel like? What conditions need to be met in order to achieve a peaceful state of existence? What would it take to achieve peace on a personal and global scale?

Topics to be covered:

- Inner peace

- Letting go of negative emotions

- Non-attachment to beliefs and concepts

- Forgiveness

- Gratitude

- Universal


- Self-love

- Self-confidence

- Life isn't black and white

- The peaceful warrior

- Meditation/mindfulness

- Diplomacy/negotiation/mediation

- Responding Versus Reacting

- Walking away

- How the ego sabotages us (The need to be right)

- The Serenity Prayer

- The Golden Medium

- The Golden Rule

- The principles of Not Doing and Non-Action

- Taking positive action

- Tough Love