The Global Peace Teleconference Event
Free · Online Event
(A Free Live Event)
SPEAKERS: Michael Tellinger, Sacha Stone, Kristine Carlson Dianne Gray, Allyn Evans / Dr Brian Dailey, Mike Wolf, Patricia Garcia, Stephen Oke, Ralph Estherby, Dr Adrian Hekel, Candice Sanderson, Dr Pee Tek Chan, Dr Joe Gallenberger, and Susan Glynn
HOSTS: Detective David Love & Dr Lana Love
SPONSORED BY: Universal Soul Love, an international faith-based charitable organisationbased in NSW, Australia.
PRODUCED BY: The BBS Radio TV Network - BBSRadio contact@bbsradio.com
TIMES & DATES: Thursday, August 5th at 1pm PST / 4pm EST (US Time Zones) and Friday, 6th August at 6am (Sydney Australia Time Zone).
This event will broadcast live through the BBS Radio TV Network in Houston. For more information contact BBSRadio contact@bbsradio.com
Meeting ID: 894 3982 644
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Our amazing editors and assistants have worked hard to organizing this free live teleconference event.
The event will be broadcast live through the BBS RADIO NETWORK in Houston.
BBS radio reaches tens of millions of listeners through its worldwide affiliate network partners. Thank you Don and Doug! We love you guys!
This teleconference will focus on achieving global peace through the principles of kindness.
We support the organizational beliefs and philosophies of The Institute of Economics and Peace and The World Kindness Movement.
Both organizations will be represented in the teleconference by nominated speakers.
We envision the teleconference fulfilling the objectives of these two organizations through the support of our speakers in extolling the virtues of kindness as a path to global peace.
Each speaker will give a twenty minute personal inspirational message on how to achieve global peace in these challenging times.
This teleconference is a vehicle for global unity. It represents unity with those who organized the event, the producers, speakers, and listeners from around the world.
The teleconference speakers will be giving a personal inspirational message about achieving global peace through kindness in the these challenging times.
The speaker schedule is arranged as follows:
*Note: All times are as AEST (Sydney Australia)
6:30-6.40am - INTRODUCTION (Dr Lana Love and Det David Love
DR LANA LOVE is a Medical Doctor, Psychotherapist, Public Speaker, Practitioner of Buddhism and Mysticism, Animal Rights Activist
DETECTIVE DAVID LOVE is a Mystical Author, Career Private Investigator, Board Certified Hypnotist, and Personal Empowerment Professional
6:40am - DIANNE GRAY is a global End of Life Doula & Grief Specialist, connector, spiritual care provider, an Innovation expert in the AI healthcare tech arena, an author, film producer and communications researcher. http://hhccommunications.com
7:00am - ALLYN EVANS / BRIAN DAILEY (presenting together)
ALLYN EVANS is a Wellness Program Director, Reiki Master Practitioner, Teacher, Monroe Institute Trainer, and Meditate Like the Masters Teacher. https://www.energymedicinesquared.com/about-us/allyn-evans
BRIAN DAILEY is an American Medical Doctor Specializing in Emergency and Forensic Medicine & Examination, Clinical Instructor, and Monroe Institute Trainer.
7:20am - STEPHEN OKE is a Nigerian Attorney-At-LAW and Secretary- General for the World Kindness Movement.
7:40am - RALPH ESTHERBY is a National Director, Chaplain, Pastor, Denominational Representative.
8:00am - DR ADRIAN HEKEL is an Australian Medical Practitioner, Counselor, Author, Meditation Teacher, Acupuncturist, and EDMR Trauma Therapist. https://www.adrianhekel.com/
8:20am - CANDICE SANDERSON - is a Psychologist, Spiritual Author, Teacher, Public Speaker, (and retired psychologist)
8:40am - KRISTINE CARLSON is a Bestselling Author, Spiritual Teacher, Public Speaker and Retreat Leader
9:00am - SACHA STONE is a Public Speaker, Publisher, Writer and Film-Maker. https://sachastone.com/about/
9:20am - DR PEE TEK CHAN is an Australian Medical Practitioner, Public Speaker, Author, Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist, and Meditation teacher. https://www.peetekchan.com/About.html
9:40am - DR JOE GALLENBERGER is a Clinical Psychologist, Author, and Monroe Residential Trainer. http://www.SyncCreation.com
10:00am - MIKE WOLF is a self made Freedom Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Seasoned Investor, and International Speaker. https://mikewolfmastery.com/about/
10:20am MICHAEL TELLINGER is an Internationally Acclaimed South African Author and Founder of the Ubuntu Movement. https://michaeltellinger.com/
10:40am - SUSAN GLYNN is a Certified Coach for Healing Codes, Energy Healer, and Personal Development Coach. https://www.thehealingcodes.com.au/
11.00am - PATRICA GARCIA is an Inspirational Humanitarian and Human Rights Advocate. Global Peace Teleconference Event Speaker for the Institute of Economics and Peace) https://www.celebrityspeakers.com.au/
11:20-11.30am - CONCLUSION
Please join us for this exciting event!
Universal Soul Love
Dr Lana Love & Det David Love