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This Sunday on Here We Stand: The Crime Scene called Canada: Taking Back the Nation
Reverend Kevin D Annett, host of Here We Stand
Broadcast Date
This Sunday March 25 on Here We Stand
at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm central, 10 pm GMT on 
The Crime Scene called Canada: Taking Back the Nation
Two seasoned freedom fighters will shine a new light on the murderous corporate tyranny that rules Canada, and how to undo it. 
Our regular host Kevin Annett is joined by Nanaimo journalist Bob Hansen of CHLY radio. They'll discuss the west coast genocide, child trafficking, church-state cover ups and the Chinese take-over, along with what must be done: the convening of a new common law jurisdiction and Republic.
Also featured will be news and updates on the global Operation Atonement campaign and the impending Good Friday direct actions against the criminal Catholic, Anglican and United Churches.
And here is last week's program, featuring Irish ITCCS activists who are confronting child trafficking by church and state in their country:
See and
All Children need a proper burial
Proclaim Liberty