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An Emergency Action Call to Lovers of Freedom and to the ITCCS/Common Law Republic/Kanata movement - Tune in tomorrow to Here We Stand if you want to resist the present tyranny!
Establish Liberty: Republic of Kanata
Broadcast Date
Sunday, March 22 on 
at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT
The War is Upon Us: What to Do Now and How to Do it
Martial Law is on the verge of being proclaimed across North America and Europe. The issue now is not why tyranny is descending but how we are to respond to it and overcome it. Today's Here We Stand will address exactly that issue.
Tune in tomorrow to learn what you can do individually and as families and neighborhoods to resist the war being waged against us and our liberties. Citizen militias under the jurisdiction of the Common Law Republic are being mobilized as you read this. Their aim is to defend you and your communities from the unlawful police state. 
If you love your children and your liberties, indifference and passivity are not options.
Issued by the Provisional Council of the Republic of Kanata and its international affiliates.