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The Rising of the People: The Case for the Republic of Kanata
Establish Liberty - Republic of Kanata
Broadcast Date
This Sunday June 24 on Here We Stand
at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern and 11 pm GMT on 
The Rising of the People: The Case for the Republic of Kanata

On July 1, ("Canada Day") a new publication will appear across the nation and world: "Establishing Liberty: The Case for Kanata". It is a  vision and the program of the rising movement to establish an egalitarian Republic in Canada. Standing in the heroic tradition of the Patriots of 1837 and Louis Riel, the movement has begun to reclaim the nation and its wealth for all of the people and establish self-government in every community. 
With us today are west coast journalist Bob Hansen and our regular host Kevin Annett. They will discuss why it is time for common law self-governance within a new Republic, and examine some specific issues and campaigns to establish such liberty.
Also featuring breaking news reports including:
- the attempted arrest of convicted war criminal Jorge Bergoglio (aka "pope Francis") by common law Sheriffs in Geneva on June 21
- recent startling proof of the medical murder of William Combes, eyewitness to the abduction and permament disappearance of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor )
See and .