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Julia Vergara
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Julia Vergara she is  a gifted healer who has found her life's calling. Born in Colombia, Julia now lives on the island of Maui in Hawaii, where the unique and active energy of the island is in sync with her mission to bring healing to others. Since childhood, Julia has had a natural instinct to promote others healing. There are stories of her as young as three years of age, helping an aunt recover from a headache by rubbing her head with her hands. As a teenager she planned to study medicine, but as a young adult pursued science instead and earned her Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology. This career pathway, supported by her parents, gave her in-depth knowledge and a profound connection with and respect for nature and animals. 

While continuing her journey in search for her life's purpose, Julia studied massage therapy in Miami, Florida. Since then, she has continued to acquire numerous alternative healing techniques such as Reiki (under master Alexandra Navarro), Pranic Healing (under Master Glen and Master Marilag), Angel Therapy Mediumship (through Doreen Virtue) and The Blue Leaf Technique (with Alexandra Navarro). 

In 2009 Julia began incorporating Hawaiian Healing Techniques like Lomilomi Massage and Ho'oponopono (healing through forgiveness), and she continues to learn and apply the wisdom of ancient healing arts with Hawaiian masters. Recently she has been incorporating in her session the concepts handled in the Mayan wisdom, having great healing results. Through Julia's studies and knowledge, and also through her own awakening, it has become her mission in life to teach others experience their own process of reconnection. As a holistic counselor and spiritual and energetic healer, Julia specializes in guiding others find their own spiritual connections with their angels, masters, nature and healing. This reconnection brings balance in your life, making you enjoy it more and reach your goals.