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Angels, Angels, Angels!
Angels, Angels, Angels!
Broadcast Date

Angels, Angels, Angels! is the new book just published by David Christopher Lewis of

David will be discussing his just-published new book on Angels. He has been visited by angels over 700 times over the last 16 years, and he will share some of their mystical and practical revelations: how angels are working with humanity today, and the name and mission of angels never before revealed.

Over the last decade, I've interviewed David Christopher Lewis on Cosmic LOVE several times. I've investigated his background and I'm convinced he's the real deal - the rare authentic clairaudient who can hear, clearly speak and precisely transcribe the voice of angels.

Angels are messengers of God who amplify the feelings and divine emotions of God, delivering guidance to mankind, along with hope and understanding as well as graces, virtues and blessings.

The more you tune into the truly enlightened messages of angels, the more you anchor that light in your life and the world at large.

Angels don't just warn us and save us from danger. They are our friends and servitors who inspire us on wings of higher consciousness.

Better to soar with the angels on thermals of grace than scratch with the turkeys on bugs of begrudge!

Welcome David to Cosmic LOVE with Your Presence,

Christopher Rudy