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Channeling Awareness in the Internet Age
Channeling Awareness
Broadcast Date

Channeling Awareness in the Internet Age

  Consider that articles and books are channels for intelligence.

   We also have radio channels, TV channels, YouTube channels 

      and social networks channeling awareness in the Internet Age.

On Cosmic Love, I’ll be discussing current events,

media cover-up of Wednesday’s market crash,

the portents for Jubilee, ready or not, and

“You are what you channel”.

Omniscience Unveiled ~ Channeling Jubilee

 The global thinning of the veil is Jubilee.

   Internet search for awareness is now free.

    With the right question you can clearly see 

    how the whole truth frees us from tyranny.


Conceive mass awakening without pain.

   Believe it happens, in spite of evil refrain.

  That year will come with freedom's reign.

    We'll restore the rights of mankind again. 


    With heart, head and hand we must strive 

To bring the Higher Power of LOVE alive,

    Helping the quickening of Jubilee to arrive;

  Conscious ascent so mankind can thrive.


     Sovereigns of Earth will claim brotherhood,

      Forgiving debts ∞ replacing evil with good;

The Currency of Conscience that should

   Rule the rights of corporate personhood.


 To Higher Power we must bend the knee.

    The attitude of gratitude gives opportunity.

  With united hearts in a new synchronicity,

  The Power of Love will neutralize tyranny.


   This is how mankind can celebrate


Enjoy the Show!


PS: Recent article on Jubilee is HERE.