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David Christopher Lewis on Cosmic LOVE, The Lords of the Seven Rays are divine beings who offer profound teachings and revelations to guide mankind forward in our spiritual progress
David Christopher Lewis on Cosmic LOVE
Broadcast Date
David Christopher Lewis on Cosmic LOVE

on the Solstice - Saturday Dec 21st

at 5pm PST (8pm EST)

Discussing his new book on the

'Lords of the Seven Rays'


Clairaudient and spiritual teacher David Christopher Lewis began receiving the teachings and radiation of the Seven Ray Lords in June 2004 through what the masters call HeartStreams, and this compilation of their instruction is a landmark release of truth, lovingly crafted to help us meet today’s challenges.

The Lords of the Seven Rays are divine beings who offer profound teachings and revelations to guide mankind forward in our spiritual progress, leading us upward into the light of divine love. Their teachings inspire us to do the inner spiritual work that will facilitate our entry into an Aquarian Age of enlightenment with true personal and planetary freedom. This book offers candid insights from these masters of wisdom of East and West, including their mentor, The Maha Chohan, representative of the Holy Spirit.