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2014 Easter Resurrection and the ‘Web’ We Want
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2014 Easter Resurrection
and the ‘Web’ We Want

  The cross is a universal symbol of
the crucifixion of spirit in matter.

The April Cosmic Grand Cross is
 the 2014 crossroads determining
  either decisive resurrection of the
  spirit that matters for all mankind
   or by default, ‘dimitude’ as “DUH”
 (Dim, Unconscious & Heartless).


  This is the prophesied ‘judgment’
   of victory virtues or victim dictum.
 And as the worldwide web goes
     mainstream with open systems for
   mass-to-mass interaction with the
   universal law language of LOVE
    at the heart of global TeLeComm,
 2014 will be the turning point as
     we wake up, wise up, rise up and
  otherwise resurrect the heart of
    our conscientious common sense
     co-Creation with Christ-like LOVE