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Conscious Thought with Leo  with Magdalena Winkler
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Conscious Thought with Leo - and host Magdalena Winkler

Love your Life !

Create consciously..

I do not have a guest for my show on March 18 th 2015 so I thought I would like to spend time with my listeners ,they can learn more about me and my work .

I would like to inspire you to bring some questions that you would like to discus. This is a great way to interact and clear some energies. We are having 2 days later a new moon and what a better way to have a clean slate to start a great new cycle .

I am in health and wellness for over 20 years and would like to share also my experiences and how energies are interacting with our body's. We are not disconnected from the nature we are just not aware of the connections .Most of the time we are living in our mind-intellectual world and we totally neglect our emotional- feeling body and that disconnection gives us the feeling we are separate.

I learned people are often afraid to feel they feelings because they are so powerfull ,so they just dismiss them because is much easier....who wants to deal with "NEGATIVE" emotions or people ....well as we know we can't destroy energy, so are we supriced that this emotions come back trough the back door in so many different forms and we just think this is not about US...when we start to feel again, claim our own shadow our life's change... for better!

I would like you to check out the small attachment and see are there any questions you are dealing with and bring them to the show on March 18 th 2015 @ 5pm/PT....I always say "We are not broken and do not need a FIX" we just don' have the information that would take us into lets have a conversation. I will also talk a little about benefit of Life Coaching and how that can help you ..

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Conscious Thought with Leo

I am your host



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Radio show March 18th 2015 - Pondering sheet  /check out the heandouts PDF