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A Holiday Gift of Love From Us To You: Be A Winner Over Pain and Stress Through the Holiday Season
Dr Michael C Irving
Broadcast Date

A Holiday Gift of Love From Us To You: Be A Winner Over Pain and Stress Through the Holiday Season

Would you like to get through this holiday season with less pain and stress than you have had in the past?

Would you like to be more free to love yourself and others during this special time of the year?

Pain and stress abound through the year, and never more so than during the holidays. 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. That is almost twice the number of Americans with heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined. The American Psychological Association reported that most Americans are suffering from moderate to high stress, with 44% reporting that their stress levels have increased in the last five years. If you’re reading about this radio show there is no doubt that either you or someone close to you is touched by distressing and limiting pain or stress.

    Increases in stress results in increases in an already existing levels of pain.

    The presence of pain makes stress more difficult to cope with.

Added to these two conditions is a vicious downward cycle of pain causing more stress and stress causing more pain and more pain causing more stress and on and on... Eventually the pain stress cycle goes beyond what we can endure and we explode and alienate those around us, or we withdraw and isolate ourselves from those around us. Either way we end up alone and feel unloved. Not the greatest way to spend what should be the most loving and heartfelt season of the year.

On the December 15th Catalytic Radio Show Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer and Dr. Michael Irving are wanting to share A Holiday Gift of Love From Us To You: Be A Winner Over Pain and Stress Through the Holiday Season. They will be talking about practical ways on how to avoid being locked into the way too frequent story of elevated stress and discomforting pain over the holidays. They want to help you be free of the imprisonment of the all too often dark downward cycle that alienates us from the love that we deserve to receive from our self and others.

Pain and stress do not need to control you. You can be in charge of your experience of pain and your response to stress. Negative thoughts, negative beliefs and negative attitudes do not need to own you. Stress reduction strategies and mind-body tools and resiliency skills give you the upper hand on pain and stress.

What are some mind-body tools to use to trigger the relaxation response and create a state of calm and peacefulness? What strategies and mind-body approaches can be used to control and reduce pain? When is the best time to begin using strategies or techniques to lower stress or reduce pain? Can self-talk, affirmations or positive thinking actually make a difference with the level of stress or pain? If so, how can I implement them to serve me? What is resiliency and how does it take this suffering out of pain?

In addition to enjoying a lovely evening with us, we would love you to listen to the December 15th Catalytic Radio Show and find out how to get your free holiday gift of an practical e-book guide for “Winning Ways to Cope With Stress and Pain Over the Holidays” and a powerful audio session to help you program “A Positive Mind and Heart that is Bigger than Any Holiday Pain or Stress”.

After you receive these holiday gifts from there is more to come. Dr. Irving is driven by a passionate calling to share with others what he understands from more than four decades of working with trauma and pain survivors. In the new year you can take advantage of other practical information and guidance through webinars, counselling, trainings, seminars, publications, CDs and internet educational materials to help you address concerns of pain control and eradication, stress management and heart health.