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Ken Ferber
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Catalytic Radio with Host Sheryl Hirsch Kramer's stated mission is to celebrate the catalytic power of love.  Instead of discussing love, our next episode will celebrate the catalytic power of trust.  Can trust be taught?  If so, how?  Ken Ferber of Wolf Connection will share the inspiring story of how abused, rescued, and neglected wolves and high content wolf hybrids team with high risk youth who share similar backgrounds.  Wolf Connection is a youth education and empowerment program, with rescued wolves and wolfdogs as the centerpiece. If these magnificent abused and neglected animals can learn to trust people after what has happened to them, so can high risk youth.  And they do.  After completing the program at the Acton, CA, Wolf Connection ranch, statistics show a 70% increase in high school graduation and college enrollment and an astounding 80% decrease in negative behaviors.  Join us for the next episode of Catalytic Radio as we take a journey into trust, into second chances, into living new lives.  What do you do when life happens  Get Catalytic!