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3 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads
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Breaking News, Day 219 Of The Israel Hamas War, Surprise?  New York Trump Trial Is A ‘Sideshow’ Without Evidence Of A Crime, The Promise Of Pentecost And Cuba Gooding Jr Talks About The Firing Squad  

3 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- Paul Kamenar- New York Trump Trial is a ‘Sideshow’ without evidence of a crime.  And Federal Judge Questions Whether Dominion Energy Has Proper Approvals to Begin Offshore Wind Project.  The Washington, D.C. lawyer who is also counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center, a public interest watchdog group reports.

9:32-9:42a ET- Jeff Kemp- Another promised kept by God, Pentecost Sunday. The Fire from Heaven sets off the first great evangelistic revolution supernaturally powered by truth and faith.  My good friend, man of God, former NFL quarterback and ministry leader discusses.

9:46-9:58a ET- Cuba Gooding Jr- 'The Firing Squad' is a true story of redemption, turning drug dealers into devout Christians. The Oscar winning actor and star of the movie explains, “This powerful film can change lives and save people.” He joins now to share this incredible story of mercy and grace.

10:06-10:15a ET- Sheri Few- ‘Money follows the child’ is a blueprint for government control of private education." The President and Founder of United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) explains.

10:19-10:29a ET- Howard Klosner- The writer and producer of the new Reagan bio pic is with us to talk about the movie that will be released on August 30th.  From dusty small-town roots, to the glitter of Hollywood, and then on to commanding the world stage, REAGAN is a cinematic journey of overcoming the odds. Join us as the writer takes us behind the scenes just a bit.

10:32-10:58a ET- Dr John Zmirak- The Greatest Film You’ll Never See: ‘Let My People Go’ Tries to Heal Our National Trauma.  The author and senior editor at discusses this and Mission Accomplished: The Rainbow Seamless Garment Is Suffocating the Church, as Intended.