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Breaking News, Day 250 Of The Israel Hamas War, Desperate Biden Must Debate To Win
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Breaking News, Day 250 Of The Israel Hamas War, Desperate Biden Must Debate To Win — But There Are Risks, And The Real Question That Causes People To Have "Surrogacy Concern

4 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- Liz Peek- Desperate Biden must debate to win — but there are risks, Will the president pardon his son?  Merrick Garland held in contempt of Congress along with breaking news from the Fox News Contributor and Wall Street Analyst.

9:32-9:58a ET- Dr Wilfred Reilly- The professor of political science at Kentucky State University and the author of Taboo: 10 Facts You Can't Talk About, and Lies my Liberal Teachers Taught Me asks the real question that causes people to have "surrogacy concern:" Should couples consisting entirely/only of two males, or single men, be able to adopt young children?

10:06-10:29a ET- Jon Fleetwood- Jon of raises questions about the controversial PCR test, now being used to track bird flu cases. Will it be used to justify more pandemic lockdowns and mandates?

10:46-10:58a ET- Adam Holz- The Director for Focus on the Family’s talks about our culture, family-friendly movies, streaming and DVD’s.