High Minded Souls: essays on the new world of legal cannabis for health and wellness
I am dedicated to help people as a cannabis educator and practitioner. In particular as regards my new online course and emphasis on helping others with stress, anxiety and depression.
My free Cannabis Dispensary Guide to empower dispensary customers with the questions they need answer to in order to get the best quality product. https://cannawisdom.podia.com/a-cannabis-dispensary-guide
Here is the link to my storefront which when you scroll down includes my recent ebook and online course, the CannaWisdom Process™ ~wellbeing in a troubled world. https://cannawisdom.podia.com
Here's a link to one of my latest published articles: Best Together: CBD and THC for Stress and Mood Disorders https://www.monroeblvd.com/blogs/cannaacademy/cbd-and-thc-for-stress-and-mood-d…