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We use gravity to do most of the work to rebalance the muscles
We use gravity to do most of the work to rebalance the muscles
Broadcast Date

Interview description:

My Father now 95 developed the Sacro Wedgy many years ago to mimic an osteopath technique of holding the sacrum known as the keystone of the anatomy. This technique was used many years ago and is still used by a variety of therapists. Over the last 30 years I have traveled extensively demonstrating how to use the Sacro Wedgy to anyone that will listen. We started at all sports events because of my Dad's background being a football coach and trainer as he would hold the sacrum of his athletes for at least 20 minutes as taught to him by an osteopath. We use gravity to do most of the work to rebalance the muscles. After meeting many massage therapists that were also athletes we moved to massage therapy conventions which is mainly what we do now. I teach classes to therapists so they can use the Sacro Wedgy for self care and then show clients how to relax at home in between visits. This is a great self care tool and combined with the neck support we incorporate with the Sacro Wedgy creates a total balancing system.

One project we are involved with now is working with veterans suffering from back pain as well as other issues such as PTSD - I'm proud to be working with an amazing group of therapists coordinating events for veterans having speakers as well as other natural therapies.Dick Liberty has an All Things American program for veterans and the Sacro Wedgy has helped a lot of these veterans find a way to help themselves at home on a daily basis.

Our website and business is family owned and operated and all of our products are made in the USA.

