Alx Uttermann is a devotee of Sri Kaleshwar, and includes his "Big Bosses" his Divine Lineage of Shirdi Baba, Jesus Christ; and Mother Divine in India. Healer-in-Chief at Healing Feeling - Lifechanging Zeal and Teacher/Healer/Minister at Universal Church Of Baba's Kitchen (UCBK) Alx shares her stories of miracles, perceptions of world traumas, aspirations for humanity and healing. Full moon rituals and womb healings release many into greater possiblity. Alx is a delightful soul with ancient wisdom and a powerful intentional spirit for new beginnings.
LUISA KOLKER is a licensed psychotherapist and Shamanic healer living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Although born in the United States, she comes from a long line of Central American doctors, psychiatrists, and curanderos. She has a B.A. in humanities from Hampshire College in Amherst, MA, and a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM. She was apprentice to Ioanna Salazan, author of Zen Comics, for four years in Spain.