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The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Fate of the Nation Hangs in the Balance with Upcoming Midterm, 2024 Elections

US government gave hundreds of thousands to CCP-linked tech firm that allegedly stored data on 1.8  million US election workers in China; Biden brags he could beat Trump again in 2024

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Was Highland Park Shooter Under Mind Control? Report: Widespread Election, Voter Fraud in Maricopa County 2020

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Voter Fraud Documentary Shows 'Biden Clearly Lost' - Dinesh D'Souza; Will CCP Power Struggle Lead Xi Jinping To Abdicate?

Conservative videographer Dinesh D'Souza says his new video 2000 Mules shows "Biden clearly lost" the 2020 election; rumors are circulating that CCP leader Xi Jinping will soon be forced out of office; but are they true?

#Election Fraud, #Voter Fraud, #Joe Biden, #Donald Trump, #2000 Mules, #Rigged, #CCP Power Struggle