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911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Title: ‘I do it for Frank’: Bill Brinnier on appearing in ‘The Unspeakable’ and Spike Lee's ‘NYC Epicenters’

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Our Quest for Truth and Justice: Bob McIlvaine and Matt Campbell on 'The Unspeakable'

This week on 9/11 Free Fall, Bob McIlvaine, who lost his son Bobby on 9/11, and Matt Campbell, who lost his brother Geoff, talk with host Andy Steele about their journeys over the past 20 years and their participation in the new film The Unspeakable, which was released earlier this week.

911 Free Fall with Andy Steele

911 Free Fall

Dylan Avery and Kelly David on "The Unspeakable"

Filmmaker Dylan Avery and AE911Truth Chief Operating Officer Kelly David 

tell host Andy Steele about their newly released documentary, "The 

Unspeakable," which follows four families as they struggle to uncover the 

truth of how their loved ones died in the Twin Towers 20 years ago this 
